What Happens If You Don’t Bedding Brakes In MTB?

What Happens if You Don't Bedding Brakes in MTB

Buying a new bike is advisable for anyone who wants a perfect biking experience. Still, the cost of getting a bicycle can be a little bit demanding for some people.

However, many have gone for different options involving getting a used bike or fixing their worn-out bike to save cost.

Let’s get moving as I show you how bedding brake pads and bedding disc pads in your mountain bikes can be helpful.

Bedding in mountain bikes is essential as this helps keep your brakes working properly and causes them to last for long without experiencing wear. The process of bedding in brakes in bikes is to create adhesive friction. Users who don’t have bed-in brakes on their bikes find it challenging when trying to apply their brakes.

What Are the Negative Consequences of Not Bedding in Disc Brakes?

What Happens if You Don't Bedding Brakes in MTB

Bedding disc brakes are essential as you can see them in bicycles, motorcycles, vehicles, and trucks. However, some people neglect to bed their brakes when newly purchased.

At the same time, others don’t follow the standard procedure to get it done—this has led them to face difficulties when riding. 

The negative consequences of not bedding disc brakes involve reducing braking power, noisy brakes, and shortened life span of disc brake pads.

Shortly, I’d show you how to bed in your bike correctly, but before then, let me tell you more about the consequences of not bedding disc brakes or doing it wrongly.

Applying brakes while riding your new rotor would not contribute to bedding disc brakes.

If this is how you’ve been going about bedding your brakes, this is wrong because it does not work; you only end up wasting your time and putting your brakes at risk.

Bedding disc brakes is a mechanical process of applying friction on your brakes; this process helps move materials from your disc pad to your rotor, thereby creating an abrasion. 

Below are ways to differentiate the performance of bed-in brakes and those without

Bedding BrakesNo Bedding Brakes
When you have your brakes bed-in, you experience comfortability when navigating through rough routes or smooth roads. In addition, when your disc brakes are bed-in, you have no issues with your brake as it applies anytime you press the pedal. When your brakes are not correctly bed-in, you will experience discomfort when trying to apply the brakes. The reason is that you have to press it countless times before it applies; why a few times it doesn’t apply.
You wouldn’t experience any vibration from your wheels because your rotor and brake pads produce adhesive friction while you navigate.You experience lots of vibration from your wheels because your rotor and disc brakes have poor contact, which could lead to more issues.
Once you apply the brakes, you won’t experience screeching.Screeching is when you have poor bedding. This action results in screeching when one uses the handbrake on a flawed braking system.

Most bikers who find it hard to get the friction on their bike face uneven braking; this happens when one side of the braking system is doing better than the other.

For example, most bikes have front and back brakes in such a situation; one may want to apply a brake on the back or front tire.

Then they’d find out that one braking system is faulty, mainly from not having bedding brakes or poor bedding in.

Lastly, one could end up reducing the lifespan of the rotor or pad life. When you keep using a disc without bedding it, you tend to weaken its activeness. 

Is Bedding In Brakes Necessary?

Bedding disc brakes in your bikes, motorcycles, vehicles, or trucks is vital when trying to have your brakes working perfectly for a very long time—the truth is that even without bedding your brakes, you can still transit from one place to another.

Still, time would tell if that was a good start. Like when you get to a new apartment, you check if there’s proper electricity, that’s the same way with bedding brakes.

Once you get new brakes that you replaced, it’s good you test them to ensure that everything on your braking system is working perfectly.

Bedding brake pads have some benefits, such as long-lasting and enhanced brake performance, low vibration from your wheels, and squealing.

Bedding is a mechanical process that moves materials from your pad to your rotor, causing friction in your braking system.

In a short while, you will see how to bed in your brakes to work at their best.

When you purchase new brakes, you will notice that you run a lot because there’s no work done in your braking system.

The disadvantage of running without bedding is that the pad surface would get melted, which would be transferred to your rotor, creating a bad environment for your rotor.

Although bedding brake pads are not a must but a choice—how would you feel after buying a new mountain bike, and it has a poor braking system?

Very bad! Pad transfer is significant when trying to achieve an excellent braking system; without this, the brake won’t work effectively.

No company would give you a poor braking system, but when you purchase it, they advise you to bed-in your brakes because it is needed.

When you go through the ” bedding-in process,” you exercise your braking system to ensure everything is working well, awaken it to its full potential, and know your brakes work.

Riding or Driving does not do the job. Bedding does it well.

While trying to tell you why bedding in your brakes is essential, it’s also good I show you the process in which you can do yours right in your comfort zone without much assistance.

Below are ways to bed in your disc brake pads to awaken them to their full potential.

How to Bedding Brakes In MTBs

You want your brakes to work well, right? Below is how you can bed in your brakes:

  1. Bedding disc brakes is easy; you only need a safe environment with an empty road far from traffic or pedestrians. This process includes stopping your brakes more often. The route should be smooth to enable you to accelerate up to 45 to 50 mph. This speeding up causes the material on your brake pads to heat up and cool down, transferring the pad materials to your rotor surface.
  2. When you have done this, speed up to above 50 mph and apply the brake moderately to a minimum of 5 mph, do this 3-4 times, respectively.
  3. After completing this, drive for 1-2 miles to cool down the brakes.

With this, you have successfully worked on your braking system, and this would make your brakes work smoothly and last longer.

Below are ways to differentiate a bike with bed-in brakes and those that do not.

3 Reasons to Bed In MTB Brakes: What I Can Do if I Forgot to Bed in My Brakes?

Mountain bikes are recognized globally as one of the best, with quality features that depend on rough and smooth terrains.

Bedding is essential when riding a mountain bike. First, however, I will show you how to bedding disc brakes.

  1. The first reason for bedding your MTB bikes is to enable your pads to connect with your rotor, causing friction to help your braking system work effectively. In bedding, you get your disc rotor to perform at its peak
  2. The second reason for bedding your MTB bikes is to help prolong the durability of your rotor—it is said that if you don’t take care of a component, it wears out. Bedding keeps your pad and rotor working well, thereby causing adhesive friction.
  3. The third reason for bedding your MTB bikes is to avoid vibration from your wheels because your pads and rotor are not working well. When you don’t bed in your brakes, you find it applying brakes which usually leads to accidents.

If you forgot to bed-in your brakes, you could follow the procedure listed above to see if it can work for you, but it is highly recommended you buy new brakes.


Immediately after the mechanical process on your bikes and automobiles, you are fit to hit the road.

However, purchasing new brakes is not all you need; bedding disc brakes are all you need to have an excellent braking system. With this article, you will learn more about bedding.

Josh Matthews

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