What To Wear For Hiking in 50 To 60 Degrees Weather?

What To Wear Hiking In 50 to 60 Degrees Weather

The best time to hike is often in 50 to 60-degree weather because it is not too warm or too cold for you to have a great hiking experience.

However, you may still wonder what you should wear to a hiking adventure in such weather. 

Let’s delve into what you should wear for hiking in 50 to 60-degree weather. 

The best clothes to wear for hiking in 60-degree weather are light weighted clothes like skirts or long-sleeved shirts. You must also wear waterproof boots or shoes with water-draining socks since hiking sandals are not recommended because they can expose your legs to too much cold. Long pants are ideal and should be worn over a lightweight jacket or pullover. 

Can You Hike In 50 to 60 Degrees Weather?

What To Wear Hiking In 50 to 60 Degrees Weather

Of course, 50 – 60 degrees weather is the best weather to hike because it is neither too cold nor scorching. 

Ideally, hiking in low temperatures can make your body freeze out while hiking in hot weather can make you sweat, and your body overheats. 

Hence, the need to use insulated boots to prevent your feet from getting cold or even freezing. 

Alternatively, you can use water-absorbent socks to help keep moisture off your skin and legs. 

What Should I Wear When Hiking In 50 to 60 Degrees Weather? 

Knowing what to wear for hiking is usually determined by the weather and how comfortable you feel in them.

What to wear here does not necessarily mean the type of clothes or clothes to wear but also the kind of material those clothes are made of. 

For instance, even without prior knowledge, you know wearing something like a suit to hike is out of the what-to-wear option.

So, what should you wear when going hiking in 50 to 60-degree weather? 

#1. Shirts 

Always wear a long-sleeved shirt, preferably made with a very light material such as polyester, wool, silk, linen, and chiffon. 

#2. Sweaters

Your jackets should also be made of lightweight materials. For example, wear a blazer, trench coat, and denim jacket. 

However, if you choose to wear a sweatshirt or a windbreaker, that would still do. Just wear a tee shirt or tank before wearing any sweaters. 

#3. Pants 

Ladies can wear just leggings or long pants. However, as a lady, if you do decide to wear a short skirt, make sure you wear tights under it. 

Men, on the other hand, should wear long pants. Ideally, jeans shouldn’t be a hiking costume, but people do anyway, so you can wear a jean if you feel like it. 

#4. Shoes

When considering the kind of shoes to wear for hiking in 50 to 60-degree weather, you may discover that the cold and heat may be challenging if you opt for flip-flops. 

Therefore, it is best to put on hiking boots, loafers, mules, sneakers, oxfords, and a slightly heeled shoe. 

You can wear moisture-wicking socks to help you stay a bit dry. These socks help to keep moisture and sweat off. 

Wear brightly colored socks because they absorb less heat on hotter days, making you feel calmer when hiking on warmer days. 

#5. Headwear 

When hiking in locations with high elevations, consider bringing along a baseball cap, a brimmed hat, or a winter cap to keep your head warm.

Additionally, you can bring along insect repellent to spray on harmful insects. You can also bring along sunscreen to prevent sunburn. 

If your kids are hiking with you, you can pack the same clothes an adult can wear for them.  However, endeavor to carry extra clothes and shoes for them.

You can also cover them with a hat to prevent them from being exposed to the rain, sun, and even tiny insects like bugs

Three Things to Consider When Choosing What to Wear For Hiking In 50 to 60-Degree Weather 

When hiking in 60-degree weather, they are vital factors you need to consider before you set out on your hike adventure. 

They are non-replaceable and ignorable because your safety, comfort, and general hike experience are incredible when laid down.

These factors include,

  • The clothes to wear
  • The kind of shoes to wear, 
  • The location you choose to hike in 

#1. The Clothes to Wear 

When hiking, the best kind of clothes to wear are those from lightweight materials. For example, it could be a long sleeve shirt, jacket, or coat, which should be paired with a Tee. 

The best clothing materials are always silk, nylon, wool, and polyester but not cotton. 

You can also wear a coat or jacket for hiking while wearing long pants and socks to protect yourself from exposure to too much cold. 

Wearing bright-colored socks also helps to keep your legs more relaxed on warmer days because they absorb less heat. 

#2. The Shoes to Wear 

In 50 to 60-degree weather, the best type of shoe to wear for a hike is a boot. However, you can conveniently substitute hiking boots for other types of shoes. 

Therefore, it is best to put on loafers, mules, sneakers, soccer boots, and a slightly heeled shoe. 

#3. The Location You Choose to Hike In

Before attempting to go on a hike, you must first determine the location for the hike.

The weather conditions of a particular area may not always tally with your hike location. 

For instance, hiking in an open field or mountain top is never the same as hiking in a forest or under tree cover. 

Knowing the weather condition helps you determine if the area is windy, cloudy, rainy or if the area is falling. 

Your location for your hike also affects the kind of clothes, shoes, sweaters, and headwear. 

Do You Need a Jacket In 50 to 60 Degrees Weather?

Of course, you need a jacket in 50 to 60-degree weather, especially if you are someone who quickly gets cold on chilly days. 

There are a variety of jackets you can wear that both look stylish and give you that warm and comfy feeling. 

These jackets include; 

  • Trench Coat 
  • Denim Jacket 
  • Leather Jacket 
  • Puffer Jacket 
  • Bomber Jacket 
  • Coach Jacket 
  • Trucker Jacket
  • Hooded Jacket, 
  • Wind Breaker

You can also make your jacket with light materials to enable you to pair it with a top or Tee. 

You can wear any of the jackets mentioned with a skirt or long pants like jeans to give you a stylish look.

Cold weather does not suggest that you are exempted from dressing your best. 

What Hiking Boots Should I Wear for Extremely Cold Weather? 

Exposing your feet to too much cold when hiking is extremely dangerous, which is why good-quality hiking boots are a must-have. 

Waterproof boots are the best kind of boot you should use for hiking. However, if you don’t feel like waterproof boots can provide comfort, you can go for non-waterproof boots.

Nevertheless, you must wear moisture-draining socks to absorb the moisture while keeping your feet and toes dry. 

Nowadays, non-waterproof boots such as trail runners and mukluks are worn by hikers even though wearing them requires delicateness. 

When you wear non-waterproof boots, ensure to wear a waterproof layer over stocking. 

Even though you can use insulated and non-insulated boots for hiking in icy conditions, there are some differences between them, and I will outline a few.

Insulated BootsNon-insulated Boots 
Ideal for temperatures below 20FIdeal for temperatures around 20F
They make use of waterproof layers to keep the skin dryThey use warm wool socks to keep water off the skin
It keeps the feet warm through insulated shell layersIt is insulated by using heavy layers of wool socks

What Is a Good Temperature to Go Hiking? 

The best temperature to go hiking is around 45 to 60 degrees, where the temperature is neither too cold nor too hot. 

However, even if this is the best temperature, there are still safety measures you should put in to enable a safe hike experience. 

Secondly, you must also carefully select the type of clothes, shoes to put on, sweaters, pants and even shirts. 

Lastly, the kind of materials the clothes you wear for hiking also matter a lot because they contribute to your comfort. 

For example, you are advised to wear clothes made from light materials such as silk, nylon, and wool. 


In this article, I outlined the best thing to wear when hiking in 45 to 60-degree weather, the best temperature to go on a hike, and the different factors that could influence your hike experience. 

The best weather to go hiking is around 45 to 60 degrees, where the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold. 

Always wear the appropriate hike costumes to enjoy a fantastic hike experience.

Josh Matthews

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