Can You Take Camping Chairs To Silverstone? (Answered)

Can You Take Camping Chairs to Silverstone

There are five different types of Silverstone tickets. Unlike the others, general admissions tickets do not give you access to allocated seats.

To ensure you have seating at the event, please remember to bring a chair if you purchase a general admissions ticket.  

Since certain items are prohibited at Silverstone, you may need to decide what type of chair to bring along. That said, can you take camping chairs to Silverstone?

Yes, you can take camping chairs to Silverstone. Camping chairs are the only types of chairs that the security personnel will allow you to carry into Silverstone. Unless you have a grandstand or exclusive enclosure ticket, you’ll have to stand or sit on the grass throughout the event.

In this article, I’ll tell you about all the types of Silverstone tickets and their benefits. You’ll also learn about all the items you can and cannot get into Silverstone.

Can You Take Your Camping Chairs to Silverstone?

Can You Take Camping Chairs to Silverstone

Yes, you can take your camping chairs to silver stone. If you have a grandstand ticket or an exclusive enclosure ticket, you’ll have a seat allocated to you. 

However, if you have a general assistance ticket, you’ll have to stand or sit in the grass if you don’t bring a chair along. The only type of chair that Silverstone allows is a camping chair. 

Camping is best for the general admission areas because they take up only a little space and do not block the view of others.

Furthermore, the camping chairs are as rigid as they are gentle. Silverstone organizers always worry about violence or fighting because of the rowdiness of the general assistance areas.

For this reason, there are some items that you cannot bring to the event. Camping chairs won’t cause any harm when hit by someone.

Can You Get Chairs at Silverstone?

Yes, you may get chairs at Silverstone. However, it depends on the type you purchased. There are five different types of Silverstone tickets, which provide various benefits.

Here is a list of the different types of Silverstone tickets and the benefits that come with them.

#1. General Admissions Ticket

The general admission tickets are the cheapest among all five types of tickets. You can purchase one for about $169-$250.

You’ll have to bring your seat because you won’t get an allocated seat with a general admissions ticket.  With a general admissions ticket, you can get a pass for all three days of the events.

You can roam the circuit and check out all the best viewing areas, including the Stowe, Hamilton straight, Becketts, etc.

On the first day of the event, you’ll get access to the grandstand areas. If all the seats aren’t full, you may be lucky to get one of the seats.

Children of age ten or under can get the same benefits as someone with a general admissions ticket for free.

You can purchase the general admissions ticket on the Silverstone events website.

#2. General Admissions Plus Ticket

With the general admissions plus ticket, you get the same benefits as a general admissions ticket. 

You don’t get seats allocated, so you must bring a chair. The only difference between the general admission ticket and the general admissions plus ticket is that you can access the GA plus areas.

The Copse Corner and the Luffield Corner are the general admissions plus areas. The general admissions plus areas are more elevated than the general admissions areas. 

The GA plus areas give you a better view than regular general areas. You can purchase the general admissions plus ticket on the Silverstone events website.

#3. Accessible Tickets

Accessible tickets are specially for people with disabilities. This ticket gives you a pass to the grandstand, and you can also access personal assistance if you need one.

With an accessible ticket, you can access any seat in the grandstand areas. With one accessible ticket, you get an extra free ticket to bring a partner. 

#4. Grandstand Ticket

The grandstand tickets give you access to all the grandstands, including Copse, National pits straight, Woodcote, Luffield, etc. 

These grandstands are on the highest level, giving you the best experience. When you have a grandstand ticket, you get provided seats anywhere in the grandstand areas of the circuit.

As well as an allocated seat, you can access big screens to watch the race without stress. You can purchase a grandstand ticket on the Silverstone events website.

#5. Exclusive Enclosure Ticket

The exclusive enclosure ticket is the most expensive of all the five types of tickets. With the exclusive enclosure ticket, you get all the benefits you’d get with a grandstand ticket and more.

Here are all the benefits you get with an exclusive enclosure ticket:

  • Allocated seats
  • Free wifi
  • A large TV screen to watch the race
  • Luxury toilets
  • Live music and entertainment

What Chairs Are Allowed at Silverstone?

You can only bring camping chairs to Silverstone. The general admission areas are always rowdy and over-populated because the tickets are cheaper than the others.

Camping chairs are perfect for the general admissions corners because they are portable and only take up a little space. The chairs are firm, durable, and don’t easily break apart.

Also, no one can use a camping chair as a tool of violence in case a fight breaks out among the crowd. 

There are usually many people in the general admissions areas, so there may be fighting breakouts. For this reason, dangerous and offensive items cannot get into Silverstone.

However, if you purchase a grandstand ticket or an exclusive enclosure ticket, you won’t have to worry about carrying chairs. 

You will have a seat allocated to you in the grandstand areas of the circuit. 

This benefit is one of the reasons why the grandstand and exclusive enclosure tickets cost more than the general admission tickets.

What Items Are Not Allowed at Silverstone?

For the safety of everyone at Silverstone, some items are prohibited from the event. Once you get to the entrance of Silverstone, the security personnel will do a thorough search.

If you have any prohibited item on you, you’ll have to leave it at the entrance, or you won’t be able to get in. Even if you have a grandstand or exclusive enclosure ticket, the rules still apply to you.

Here is a list of all the items that are prohibited from Silverstone:

  • Illegal drugs and substances
  • All animals except guide dogs
  • Lasers, fireworks, and pyrotechnics, in general
  • Large amounts of alcohol
  • Hoverboards, electric scooters, electric cycles, and bicycles
  • Offensive weapons and any item that may be dangerous
  • Glass containers and bottles
  • Tents, shelters, ladders, or anything that may obstruct the view of other people
  • Smoke canisters and sun parasols
  • BBQs

What Else Can I Take to Silverstone?

Apart from camping chairs, there are many other essential items that you can take to Silverstone. 

You can take a phone and a pair of noise-canceling headphones to Silverstone.

It may be difficult to hear with all the noise from the crowd. You can connect to the live online broadcast of the event through your phone and listen to it through headphones.

You can also bring food along with you to Silverstone. A variety of food is available in Silverstone, but they might be expensive for you. 

Having your food with you can save you a lot of money. Unlike the grandstand areas, the general admissions area has no roof. 

It is important to have protective clothing with you because the weather may get tricky.

Here is a table to show all forms of protective clothing you need to get through the event in the general admissions area.

Protective Clothing ItemsUses
Hand glovesTo protect your hand from dirt and germs on the grass.
SunglassesTo protect your eyes from getting in direct contact with the sun’s rays.
UmbrellaJust in case it rains.
SunscreenTo protect your skin from sun damage.
RucksackTo cover up your belonging when it rains or your food from the sun.
A large hatTo protect your face from the sun.
Josh Matthews

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